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Sunday 25th January 2009 08:38:34 AM

As a kid, Amy Winehouse wanted to be a roller-skating waitress.

At age 10, Amy Winehouse and her best friend formed a rap duo inspired by Salt-n-Pepa. The name? Sweet 'n Sour. "I was sour, of course," she told the London Observer.

Amy Winehouse got her first tattoo, a small Betty Boop on her back, at age 15. At that point, she told Rolling Stone, "My parents pretty much realized I would do whatever I wanted, and that was it, really."

Just how high is Amy Winehouse's trademark beehive? "On a good day, easily six [inches]," she told Entertainment Weekly.

Not surprisingly, Amy Winehouse has strong opinions when it comes to cocktails. Her favorite is the Rickstasy: three parts vodka, one part Southern Comfort, one part banana liqueur and one part Bailey's.

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