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Monday 24th April 2006 08:54:11 PM

the uneasy feeling about going back to office started last night, which made me staying awake till 3:30am. great. now i've got a pair of panda eyes and tired skin. damn~~~~!!!!

i woke up at 7:10am this morning. sigh~ anyway, brushing and washing and stuff... alright, let's face it. i walked out the door, walked down the stairs and went on the street. the ground was wet but the air was quite fresh. haha so mood went up a bit :p

i stepped into the office at 9am. everyone asked me where I went during the 2-wk holiday. i said i went nowhere but staying in hk and they were all surprised :o. i wondered why. why can't i spend the holiday by staying at home surfing the net, reading books and playing piano? (hmm, i should have got my guitar out. stupid me.)

i didn't have a good appetite today. maybe i ate too much in the last few days :p after lunch i went to north point meeting the student reps. you know, going out of office during office hour made me feel great!

that's how i spent my day 1 after leave! it may sound bored, but simple is always the best!

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