Candice Chan :: I) 自駕疾走篇
Visits: 557 times
Last changed: Feb 08, 2016
56 items in this album

1) 自駕疾走篇
一星期自駕行程 (又係我) 安排得非常緊密, 選擇從東面的 Christchurch 走到西面的 West Coat  看Glacier, 之後再南下 Queenstown 再到達朋友農場 ,著名的影星勝地 Mt Cook, NEXT TIME!!
這個旅程特別鳴謝借 CF Card 給我的 Tung 好讓我在緊湊的行程. 無後照顧之憂的拍照
多謝好朋友溫暖的家 + 無限新鮮農場大大大雞蛋 + 每頓美味的晚餐 ( 又發現多一個天材大廚師) + 無微不至體貼入微的照顧。

多謝NZ 的神賜我籃天與白雲,好天到在車廂裡都要塗厚厚的防晒。

沒有光害的NZ,  整個行程看見三次流星
NZ Southern Island 真的很,美 , 沒有太多的中國人之餘, , 每一個地方如詩如畫般 , 自駕遊簡直是把視覺享受提升到最高的層次,  每一個彎位後下一幅圖畫便等著你  可惜今次不能坐直昇機從高而上俯看Franz Josef Glacier,下次吧

Birdge of Remebrance
Cathedral Square, 22Feb11 earthquake
A train take you around Catherdral square
Birdge of Remebrance
Viewed: 176 times.
Cathedral Square, 22Feb11 earthquake
Viewed: 68 times.
Viewed: 54 times.
A train take you around Catherdral square
Viewed: 62 times.
The Furture is bright, as one of it's Anchor projects, the Christchurch Central Recovery Plan includes long term improvements to Cathedral Square
Cave Stream Scenic Reserve
Cave Stream Scenic Reserve
The Furture is bright, as one of it's Anchor projects, the Christchurch Central Recovery Plan includes long term improvements to Cathedral Square
Viewed: 58 times.
Viewed: 56 times.
Cave Stream Scenic Reserve
Viewed: 82 times.
Cave Stream Scenic Reserve
Viewed: 211 times.
Otira Valley @ Aurthur Pass
Otira Viaduct Lookout
Viewed: 450 times.
Viewed: 161 times.
Otira Valley @ Aurthur Pass
Viewed: 60 times.
Otira Viaduct Lookout
Viewed: 54 times.
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