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Sunday 07th December 2008 10:39:21 AM

When it comes to matters at work this month, Cancer, figure you're probably going to have to get things done by yourself. Along with the sun and Mercury, Mars is in your solar house of on-the-job tasks in December, and unlike the other planets, he stays in your job sector all the way past Christmas until the 27th. Mars is a planet that favors self-reliance anway, and when he's in Sagittarius, he's even less inclined to bother with the tedium of getting others on board. He'd rather just get the tasks on the to do list done on his own and ASAP so that you can go out and do something more fun. An alternate manifestation might be work-related travel in December. However, he asserts himself, be prepared in December to cross off those work and holiday tasks in a speedy fashion.

Fortunately, there's more the month than work and tasks. Venus floats into your solar 8th house of deep bonding to create an almost magically romantic atmosphere for susceptible Cancerians, especially near the end of the month. There's also a lot of emphasis on your solar 7th house of relationships, so you need not spend your non-work hours alone. If you're not currently attached, plan to attend group social events and do things with your friends. You may make a romantic connection at such an event.

Meanwhile, New Year's Eve could be interesting and intense. A few Cancers who are ready to meet someone permanent may feel the sparks fly on the last night of 2008, making 2009 on of the more important years of their lives. Other Cancers (especially those born near the beginning of their sign) may feel just the opposite--that the last night of 2008 marks the time to ring out the year on an important relationship that's outlived its purpose. Which would also make 2009 an important year.

By and large, your solar chart is in a pretty good mood in December, Capricorn. Things are kind of mellow unless you were born at the beginning of your sign (in which case they're intense). For most Capricorns, in fact, there's been a trend toward increasing astrological comfort during the second half of 2008. Oh, it's true there's some internal discussion in your chart around things like beliefs, convictions, and ideology, but Jupiter in your own sign has been trying to take the sting out of what could otherwise be some serious discomfort over finding flaws in your philosophy. Fortunately, Jupiter retains his magnificent confidence in you and isn't worried about your prospects at all.

So your chart is well-positioned to take advantage of the sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars in your sign at various oints during the month. Even better, perhaps, your chart is gearing up for some truly expansionary financial opportunities in 2009. You may get a nice foretaste of that energy as financially-oriented Venus graces your money sector after the 7th of December.

The energy is especially strong just after Christmas, which makes the after-holiday slow week the perfect time for you to connect in a superbly romantic way with your loved ones. A special gift, a romantic treat, a piece of jewelry, a token of your affection...perhaps you could use some of that beautiful financial energy on a tangible little item that will your favorite person know how much he or she means to you.



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