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Monday 04th May 2009 11:54:58 PM

Summary for Cancer
You are now in the most vital period of the year for impressing people at the top and winning the job of your dreams. With both Venus and Mars touring your house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame, you have not had an advantage like this for years. The talks you began in late March will continue to gather steam.
There is one little problem - Mars and Venus will be working hard on your behalf to allow you to you make impressive gains, but at the same time Mercury will be retrograde from May 7 to 30. Venus and Mars will push your forward, while Mercury will hold you back.
More specifically, Mercury rules judgment and communication, so when Mercury retrogrades, your thinking is clouded and your ability to take in and give out accurate information is impaired. For that reason, it would not be wise to commit to a new job in May - wait until June to sign or to give your verbal final answer. This may not be easy to do, but you must hold back. Any position you take now won't likely last long and before you know it, you'll be looking again.
There is one exception - if you go back to a former employer to work with that person again, you can take the position immediately. Mercury retrograde always urges us to look back and find ways to work with those whom we respected and trust to do even bigger things together in the future.
If you work in a creative field, you will find the period of May 8 to May 13 quite special for wrapping up an important creative project you can be proud to show. You may still need to do a bit of work on it in weeks to come, but the changes will not be major.
At the full moon, May 9, your love life will take center stage. If you've been dating, you'll know where you stand at this point, for your relationship will either blossom or you'll suddenly know you need to leave, possibly because you met someone else or because this person simply is not for you. This is a positive full moon, so no matter how things appear initially (and they may instantly appear bright, so don't be anxious), this full moon will help you and work to your favor. With a kiss to Uranus (surprises) and Saturn (stability), you've got everything working for you. If you were born July 10, double that!
Financially the meeting of Jupiter (financial luck) and Neptune (inspiration) in your house of other people's money can bring you a generous commission on May 27 if you deal in artwork. This aspect could be a double-edge sword however, in that when mixed with financials it could work to make you too optimistic about a financial opportunity that turns out to be more glitter than gold. Be very conservative with your financial dealings.
One day that may bring very good financial news, however, will be at month's end, May 26. Jupiter will work with Mars, and that's quite a powerful team. This is one day where talks should be quite encouraging. If you find you're negotiating a deal, it should go your way. Don't sign until June, however.
With a gentle new moon ending the month, May 24 plus two weeks, you will enter into a meditative mood. This month will ask for quite a bit of patience from you, so at this point, if you can take a few days off, do. It would not be a time to demand answers - your timing will be off, and you'll be too early. It will be a good time to hibernate on a complex project that needs your attention, or to see about medical, dental, and psychological matters with a qualified professional. The change you'd see would be spectacular.
It will be clear you need to chill out, so take a step back and try to find things in your personal life to keep you occupied. June will bring a much quicker pace.
Dates to note:
Your career progress has been quick lately and that pace will continue throughout May. However, Mercury will be retrograde May 7 to 30. This means it would not be wise to accept a job offer until June. If you need to buy something expensive, such as a computer, car, or piece of jewelry, or come up with a theatrical idea or other artistic effort, you will be very fortunate indeed. Just don't fall for any get-quick-rich schemes, for they will glitter more brightly than gold.
A key development in your love life will occur on May 9, plus or minus four days. You may be thrilled, or you may decide you need to leave, but chances are you will like the final effects of this full moon.
Creatively you'll be in top form May 8 to 13 when you finish a major project that gleams.
At the new moon, May 24, you will begin a quieter, more introspective period. It's a good time to plumb your depths and decide how you'd like to shape your coming birthday year, starting at June's end.
Financially, you may reap a lovely commission on or near May 27 when Jupiter and Neptune will meet in your eighth house of other people's money. If you work in the arts, you will be doubly lucky - you may sell something you've created. However, this aspect may make an investment or other monetary matter promise much more than can ever be delivered. In this case, be careful and skeptical.

Summary for Capricorn
Mercury will be retrograde this month, but if you are careful to sidestep the downsides of this planet out of phase, you can still make a lot of progress.
First, Mars will be putting a great deal of emphasis on your home, and whatever plans you may have, they seem to be good ones, because Venus will be orbiting very close. Draw up blueprints and choose swatches, but don't actually buy furniture, appliances, or electronics. (Actually you should not buy anything pricey when Mercury is out of phase, for you are likely to be disappointed with your purchase later.) You can paint, do repairs, and if you have already hired contractors in April or earlier, continue to work on your plans. If you have not hired contractors yet, wait until June. In astrology it matters a great deal the date that you choose to initiate a venture - it is the "birth" of that venture, forever affecting it in the future. You don't want to initiate things when Mercury is retrograde, so you will have to wait until June. Still, there's always lots of research to be done in a home-related plan, so dig in and do that, with an eye to act in June's first week.
A terrific social event may dot your calendar within four days of May 9, thanks to an especially warm and tender full moon. Most likely it will occur on Friday or Saturday night, but there is a bit of range to that full moon. It may be a wedding or party, or it may be that you attend a trade show or club event. If so, you will really enjoy this, for two planets will be so positive: Uranus (surprises) and Saturn (comforting long-term results). This is a "must" for your calendar!
Later in the month, if you were hoping to get a side job, more clients (if self-employed) or overtime work, the new moon, May 24, will help you accomplish that goal. That new moon is in Gemini, the sign of Twins, so you may find two new jobs! Again Saturn will be supportive, and Saturn is your ruler. While everyone in every sign will find the new moon friendly, since your ruler, Saturn, is involved, you'll have even better results.
Because a new moon is operative for two full weeks, your best situation is likely to surface in the first week of June. If you are offered a job at the end of May, you may later find that it was not exactly how it was presented, and that could make you upset later. It would be better to accept and start your new job in June, for you would avoid that problem. If you can't wait - and certainly that would be understandable if you desperately need the income - then just put in your mind that the job will change dramatically, and later you may want to switch again for another new job.
Keep in mind too that the new moon in the sixth house will open the opportunity for a job similar to the one you had - not one that represents advancement. Even so, if you have been unemployed, or if you don't like your current job, that may be fine with you. If you are leaving a job to take your new job, know that the new job you find and take in late May or in early June won't be a step up, no matter what they tell you. For a job with more prestige, you'll have to find and take your new job during or just after the second half of October. All this is good to know so you can make a more informed decision.
The same new moon may bring you some interesting opportunities to increase your fitness and health. This new moon would actually be excellent for that! Start a new exercise or eating plan, or get a second opinion from another doctor. With Mercury retrograde, you will return to address the original condition, and this time may be the charm.
Financial negotiations should go well on May 26, thanks to a lovely beam from Mars to Jupiter.
The following day, May 27, there will be an exceedingly rare meeting of Jupiter and Neptune. If you are in the creative arts, you may sell an artistic expression at a high price. However, if you are not in the arts, this day holds the possibility for deception, so you will have to be very careful about believing that too-good-to-be true schemes are viable - they are not. Be careful about falling for clever scams.
Romantically, May 20 may bring a surprise email and other communication that amazes you - and cause your heart to go thumping! If you find you're on a short trip on or near this date, expect the best to happen!
Dates to Note:
A party, wedding, or other social event should be lovely: May 9, plus or minus four days.
Start a new fitness plan or get a second opinion for a health problem: May 24 plus two weeks. Getting a dental checkup or procedure will work well too, but plan your biggest initiations for early June.
Sell artwork or a creative idea dear to you: May 27
If you are not in an artistic profession, then beware of possible delusions of grandeur concerning a financial matter on or near May 27.
Work on your home: move, repair, and re-organize your space all month. It's also a good time to come up with answers for ways to help a parent any time this month.
Don't buy anything expensive, and certainly not furniture, an electronic item, or an appliance, for Mercury will be retrograde May 7 to 30.
If you hope to find work, you may find that an opportunity will come up just after the new moon May 24. It looks like work similar to what you've done before, on the same level, but not a step up. If you want a promotion, wait until October.
When it comes to fun and love, single or attached, your best dates for a date night: May 5, 8-10, 16, and 20.




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