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Monday 01st August 2011 07:01:13 PM

Cancer Horoscope for August 2011
By Susan Miller

You appear to have reached a point where some of the things in your life that have not been working need to be changed. You have long passed the point of hoping that situations would improve on their own, without your direct intervention. In that respect, the July 1 eclipse got you moving forward again. You suddenly know your own mind and what you need to do to be happy, and once you had that epiphany, you felt energized. If you did not see much difference so far, now that the eclipse arrived on July 1, there will be days to watch in August.
First, keep your eye on August 1. Often an eclipse will deliver its news one month to the day later, plus or minus five days. If you did already receive news last month, you may, then, not hear much on or near this date (other than hear financial news, which is indicated, but more about that later).
A more important set of dates to watch for news will be August 16-17, for those are trigger points for the July 1 eclipse in Cancer. You may have already received news about a lifestyle or career change you want to make, or in regard to a partner or competitor in July, but if not, news may reach you on one of these two days, plus or minus a day or two. If you DID have dramatic events in July, these dates may bring things to a new, more sophisticated phase.
That July 1 eclipse was not an easy one. Because it was a solar eclipse, it should have been a smooth event, for generally, solar eclipses bring good news. The problem was this particular eclipse angrily lashed out at Uranus, Pluto, Saturn, and the Sun, all at the same time. Situations that were stuck, outworn, or in need of collapse (rather than just a quick cosmetic facelift) suddenly attracted your urgent attention. Alternatively, your health may have been in the spotlight, but if so, you needed to attend to whatever came up. I should add that if your birthday does not fall near July 1 (within five days) or if you don't have a planet at 9 degrees Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn (all cardinal signs), you may not notice much at all. All astrological events have to be within tight mathematical tolerances.
Why might August 16-17 possibly be important to you? I will explain.
Let's pretend that a solar eclipse burns a hole in the sky when it appears (it doesn't, but only in the poetic sense here, for our purposes.) Afterward, the sky forms a scab. Later, when Mars, the warrior planet, takes the same straight line road as the eclipse did previously, and reaches the scab at 9 degrees Cancer, being the rough and tumble guy that Mars Is known to be, he will break it open - and the news of the eclipse would be released. This is what will happen (so to speak) on August 16-17, so you should pay close attention to those dates.
You are fortunate to have Mars in your sign, for it indicates that you are poised to start an important two-year cycle on August 3, and you will have this advantage until September 18. You will have plenty of get-up-and-go these days, and something or someone seems to have energized and motivated you in a big way. Everyone wants Mars in their sign, for it means you will be the leader of the zodiac until mid-September, an enviable position. You'll have courage and drive, and no challenge will seem too big or too daunting to tackle.
Mars is the natural ruler of your tenth house of fame and honors, so it is in your career that you will be most assertive - you will be the general leading troops into battle. Normally I would say it is time to start something new, such as start a new position, or open a new business, or do something exciting in any phase of your life, but now I have to add, "Just not in August."
Mercury, the planet of communication and commerce, will be retrograde from August 2-26, so very few things of importance will happen in August. August is not the time to start any venture, because if you do, you will find many of your assumptions will later prove false, and you'll have to make many corrections. You should not accept a new position in August, nor sign any sort of legal documents. Do not open a business or close on a house.
By all means do not install new software at work or at home (Head of IT, please note!) Mercury rules digital media as well as the moving parts in a machine. You should not purchase anything vital to your needs either, and that ranges from an expensive car to an affordable, but fun, smartphone. Actually, among the very worst things to buy in August are electronics, appliances, or machines. You may also notice that you are heading to the repair shop to fix something, for parts tend to show wear and tear when Mercury retrogrades.
There is one exception to the rule of never acting assertively during Mercury retrograde. That is, if you have an ongoing relationship with a company or a person, and you are simply continuing that relationship by working together, even if there was a pause of many months (or even years) since you last talked. If you knew the person previously and are given an offer by this person, you can accept - things will go very well.
I often get questions about giving birth to a baby during a Mercury retrograde period - not to worry! That is fine. It is always good to be born! I was born with Mercury retrograde - this simply makes a person more philosophical, a good thing.
So to sum up, things you start, announce, present, or display, or relationships you formalize for the first time will not likely succeed in August, so hold off taking action after the new moon August 28. (This will give two days space between the date Mercury goes direct and the date of the new moon). If you make your move sooner, you would only have to renegotiate anything you begin during a Mercury retrograde, assuming you would even want to continue the relationship or venture - most people just want to leave it and cut their losses!
What we start when Mercury retrogrades simply does not fulfill its intended promise. This would become obvious either immediately or months or years later, but you would most likely experience regret.
There are some specific things I would like you to watch this month involving Mercury. Make sure your automobile is in top working condition before you set off on a trip as Mercury will retrograde part of the time in your transportation house. Mercury will also spend quite a bit of time in your financial house. This suggests that if you are self-employed, you might be frustrated by client payments arriving late. In this case, the squeaky wheel will get the juice - keep sending reminder statements, early on! You also need to keep close track of your credit card statements, to ascertain no unauthorized charges show up. We often deposit checks in the wrong account, or misplace checks that do arrive. At the start of August, we all are already close enough to the retrograde to feel the affects of this planet out of phase.
We become forgetful during these periods because often a lot is going on, even though many meetings will be cancelled. Label your laptop by taping your business card on the bottom. Slip your business card into the case holding your cell phone, eyeglasses and sunglasses, digital camera, iPod, iPad, and other treasures you'd be heartbroken to lose. Lastly, this is the time to back up your cell phone and computer, write down all your credit card numbers, and photocopy your license. Now, that was easy, right?
Now let's talk about finding ways to make more money, for you have rare and special possibilities to increase your income. The new moon that appeared just two days before the start of August, on July 30, is still full of power and strength for ten days - use it! We only get one new moon in each of the 12 houses every year, and this is your annual new moon in your earned income sector. It is imperative that you grab this sterling chance to ask for a raise, pitch new business, or look for a new job. The actions you take during the first ten days of August will be very potent and have the power to affect you for an entire year to come. While you should not quite set things in stone yet - you are likely to see your money next month, not this month - you can get the ball rolling now. I will add that August is not the time to incorporate or open the doors of a retail store - do so in September.
Jupiter is about to go retrograde on August 30, and that suggests that if you have a massively big, important venture to lift off, or a new product to introduce, you may want to wait until Jupiter goes direct to do so, due to happen on December 25 of this year. When Jupiter is direct, you have a shot at the very largest profit potential. If you have to lift off in September, profits will be slow to develop, and you may not see any until January.
I don't like starting a new business venture with Mercury or Jupiter retrograde, nor do I like to do so when Saturn is retrograde either. (Right now, Saturn is moving in sure, strong orbit until early February). If you already started a business some time ago, then you are generally safe, but I still would not make a new product or service introduction until September.
If you are in the innovation / science / technology business, you need the high-tech planet of genius moving direct too - Uranus - and unfortunately Uranus is currently retrograde until December 10. December 10 will be the same day as a coming full moon eclipse in Gemini, so allow some space from that date as well. After December 10, Uranus will stay strong for seven months. You see how complicated this becomes? Guess what, in the first 22 days of January 2012 we will have NO planets in retrograde, and no eclipses either! How do you like that? I love it!
Finances will also be on your mind at the full moon, August 13, plus or minus four days. This full moon will fall in Aquarius, 21 degrees, near Neptune, so there are two very different ways this full moon could manifest for you. One way would be that you might make a large sale of artwork or get funding for an artistic / creative project. Your "sale" may be very lucrative and give you cause for celebration.
On the other side of the spectrum, you may have been unclear about a fact of a financial matter that suddenly comes to light - you may find news distressing. Neptune sometimes is indicative of "fog" but at a full moon, full disclosure often comes out, either immediately or in time. It would be a really bad time to sign any contacts, not only due to Mercury retrograde, but due to Neptune's foggy closeness to that full moon.
It may help to know you are about to enter into a high spending period from September 18 to November 11, due to the entry of Mars into your second house of earned income. Perhaps you already know this, and have planned for it. If not, it may be good to know your expenses are due to rise during that seven-week period. Still, Mars will make you very assertive about going after more money, and if you are in sales or marketing, you may be very fired up about finding new sources. In that case, it could be a very productive time!
There are three days to avoid for any big initiation in your life, not only pertaining to money - anything. The two tough days come first, August 9 and 11, when Mars stirs the pot and taunts first Uranus and then Pluto. You may see a temporary career setback on August 9 and later that week feel you are getting absolutely no cooperation or support from a partner on August 11. Obligations at home may press on you August 25. I would not schedule any key meetings on these days, at work or in your personal life.
The second half of August will be infinitely more fun. You have one spectacular day to use any way you wish when Mars sends a beautiful beam to Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, on August 18. August 18 is a three-star day - use it for fun!
Once the Sun moves into Virgo, a better place for you, on August 23, you'll feel lighter and happier, but the best is still yet to come!
There will be an exceptionally sweet new moon on August 28 that I am very excited about, and it will help you travel and unwind.
This new moon August 28 is special because a golden triangle will appear in the sky at the time, linking Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, now in your friendship / people / events sector, and Pluto, planet of massive power that works from within you, currently in your partnership / marriage sector. It certainly looks like if you go away, you will be going to see friends or have a good time. By the time this new moon arrives, as you know, Mercury will no longer be retrograde. Best of all, Venus, planet of happiness and fun, will be in Virgo and send a beautiful beam to Jupiter on the following day, August 29. You really can't fail by traveling in the last week of August. If you are attached, then bring your partner with you.
If you simply can't get away, keep in mind that all sorts of communications and agreements will start to perk up in the last day or two of August, and by September, everything will pick up steam. I would keep my eye on September if I were you, for early September is simply packed with goodies to help you succeed.
This won't be an enormously special month for romance, so I would say it's steady. If you are attached, your hardest day will be August 11, for your partner may be quite demanding or domineering that day. It's not a day to sort things out - it's a day to stay happily alone.
Your best romantic days will be August 18 and August 29-30, just made for traveling a short distance with the one you love, for an outing during the day, or an overnight jaunt. Being out of town will certainly lift your spirits at month's end, so why stay home?

Capricorn Horoscope for August 2011
By Susan Miller

You certainly have experienced massive changes in your life over the past two years, including shifts in one or more of the following: a key relationship, your health, living arrangements, and your work or work environment. Chances are, you will welcome the news that August will be a peaceful, quiet month. Use this month to follow your favorite activities and most interesting projects, for you need not worry that you'll be blown off course at a moment's notice. You can be quite productive, with the caveat that you focus on unfinished business. It's not the time to start anything new.
The solar eclipse of July 1 in Cancer (9 degrees) last month may have brought developments in regard to your closest romantic or business relationship if your birthday falls on or within five days of December 30. You may have also felt this eclipse if you have planets or a rising sign in Cancer, Aries, Libra, or Capricorn (4-14 degrees). If you have this birthday or these signs prominent in your chart, and did not notice news last month, radical news may reach you when Mars travels over the same part of the sky as the eclipse traveled on August 16-17. Watch those dates for news.
Now, as August opens - no matter what day your birthday happens to fall - you will notice the pace of activity around you slowing down. Mercury, the planet of communication and commerce, is about to take a nap, for Mercury will be retrograde almost all month, from August 2 to 26.
Talks you are in now will be delayed, and as you go along, you may change your mind about a certain course of action you were thinking of taking. Higher ups will be hard to reach for answers and approvals, but even so, let nature take its course, and don't press for answers just yet. Nothing will be settled until after Mercury goes direct August 26. It would be wise to wait a little longer, at least to August 28, the brilliant new moon in Virgo. This will be a new moon that is so special that I feel it will be one of the most brilliant diamonds of the year for you - a cosmic gift. It is always wise not to come to close to the start and finish days of any Mercury retrograde period. This month you will have the time to wait, and because you will lose nothing by hanging back, you can occupy yourself in other ways.
If you make a deal while Mercury is still out of phase, you will only have to renegotiate the deal later, if you would even want to do so - chances are you will be so turned off by the way things go you'll probably want to cut your losses and throw in the towel. Conditions around you will change dramatically and morph into something different, but this won't be apparent yet. In fact, it would be easy for you to think that everything is the same, and quite stable. They are not. Only later you will see that few of the criteria you would have used to make a decision will hold true later, and if you make a deal, you will later regret having been so hasty.
Make sure you don't lose any items in August - label everything with your business card, even your laptop. Be very deliberate about where you place things, as you can get easily distracted this month. You should not buy anything expensive either, but especially not electronic items, as Mercury rules electronics, as well as all machines with moving parts.
The first half of the month you will be very involved with finances. The new moon that occurred just a few days ago on July 30 will be strong for almost two weeks and will light your eighth house of other people's money. You might want to look at your insurance needs to see that you are covered, and to examine your phone bill with the representative to make sure you are on the right plan. It is a good time to pay attention to ongoing financial matters but not to start new ones.
You may be planning to open talks about the terms of a new contract, or the division of property in a divorce. You may be ready to apply for a loan, line of credit, scholarship, mortgage, or refinancing plan. Normally it would be a good time to do so.
The problem is, Mercury will be retrograde while in the same financial house that you and I are speaking about. This means you will have one of three outcomes: 1) You will not reach accord in a deal, or 2) you will find out later about errors made in the documents you signed, or 3) that you realize by information you get later that you made a bad deal. No matter how you look at it, the deal would not be in your favor. It would be a bad time to make application or sign.
Sometimes however, you have no choice but to sign and move forward. In those cases you have to do your best to be alert for errors, but even so things can slip through. Here is what happened to me during a Mercury retrograde. My rental apartment was changing from rental to condo, and the landlord was giving the tenants a good deal. I signed my mortgage agreement with my bank for my condo several weeks prior to the official closing on my condo, at the time while Mercury was retrograde, but I had no choice. My landlord wanted each tenant to have a mortgage in place far in advance of the closing date (which thankfully, was when Mercury was no longer retrograde). If I didn't sign, I would have to move out immediately.
I did sign, but two months later the bank called to say they made a large $20,000 error in my mortgage, and could I please send over a check to cover for that amount? I told the bank I didn't have an extra $20,000 just languishing in my bank account - I couldn't do it, so now what could we do? They said, "Okay, this was our fault, so we will simply tack an extra $1,000 to your mortgage payment each month for 20 months." This news horrified me, but I had to agree to it. At the time, I was a single mother, no child support, and paying for my children's colleges by myself. I was new to paying mortgage and common charges, and those were higher than my previous rent, in the same apartment. The news of this bank error made me terrified. I got through this nightmarish period, but just thinking about it still sends shudders through me. Banks do make mistakes - even big, established, good-name banks.
Mercury retrograde will always come and bite, sooner or later. My daughter signed her lease on her apartment in LA during a Mercury retrograde, thinking, "It's only a renewal of my present lease." The landlord suddenly sold her building and told her she had to move out within a month. This happened when she was only four months into the lease. She might have negotiated more time, but did move out quickly anyway. It was very expensive to move, but my sweet Diana fortunately found a new place she loved. This is how it goes. It would be best to wait until after August 28 or even longer to sign, and if you can't, keep your antenna up.
On Facebook ("Susan Miller Astrology Zone") and Twitter (my name is @astrologyzone) I will invite you to offer examples of things you experience during a Mercury retrograde period, and you can read all the posts!
One possibly tough day for your relationship (business or romantic), dear Capricorn, will be August 11, when Pluto in Capricorn will oppose Mars in Cancer. On this day you and your partner may clash intensely, and you may be incensed by what you hear from your partner. See how you feel. This is not a day to choose to find accord with an adversary or a partner / collaborator. Lie low and see what happens. Try not to overreact, but it will be hard not to want to do so!
Financial considerations will come up again, this time for finalization, at the full moon, August 13, plus or minus five days. Check facts and figures carefully before you write any large check. Neptune will be in the vicinity of that full moon and could cloud important information. The part of your chart that will be lit will be your second house of earned income, so you may buy something expensive, or send in a large check you knew would be due at this time. Another way things could work out is if your boss promised you a raise some time ago - if so, you may get it near August 13, the full moon. (As you see, Mercury retrograde periods can be a bonus at times too.)
Once you get to August 18, you will have a super day for money. You may be able to sell a creative idea to a client. You may need an agent to help you, as Mars is in your seventh house, giving a collaborator a dominant role in your life now.
If you have your calendar out, looking earlier in the month, I also like the very first day of the month, August 1, when Venus and Uranus will trade signals - it's a great day for hearing very good news about money. You may want to put a star on that day.
The whole tenor of the month will improve enormously once the Sun moves into Virgo on August 23. Virgo is an earth sign like yours that blends so beautifully with your Capricorn Sun. Your mood will brighten, and you'll be happy not to have to deal with financial matters anymore.
The new moon August 28 is the date to keep your eye on, for it will be simply sensational for you. You will have a chance to travel from this day forth, continuing for two weeks, so if you would like a vacation, this would be the time to go. Because your ninth house is being lit, you may be traveling abroad, or to a distant city within your own country. With Venus in Virgo too, from August 21 to September 15, you will have a successful, happy trip (even if you go for business).
Keep in mind Mercury will change gears on August 26, two days prior, so this new moon will give you an open road to do as you like. It really would be a great time for a vacation.
Alternatively you may hear about a publishing or broadcasting project that you will want to get started on. If so, there will be something special about this one. Academic pursuits will shine too, so if you are preparing to start a new semester at college or graduate school, you will enjoy the classes you take, and something about these classes will help you in the future.
I am excited about this new moon because the new moon will arrive with Venus and the Sun in Virgo (5 degrees Virgo) and send a lovely beam to Jupiter in your fifth house of creativity and love, and well as to Pluto in Capricorn, in your first house of personality and identity. What a marvelous new moon this will be for you, one of the best of 2011! This moon will open your mind to all kinds of new ideas and concepts, and also stimulate your creativity in a way that will allow you to make very individual expressions of your artistic nature.
The ninth house, where this new moon will fall, also rules philosophy, theology, religion, so the end of August would be an ideal time to go on a retreat or study the work of great philosophers. This is the area of the chart where we think about the mysteries of life and our place in the world. You may want to spend a little time thinking about what life means to you, and how you can best make your own contribution. With such a friendly, encouraging new moon, one that will get you to think in large terms, you may be changed by the thoughts that come to you.
If you were born on December 28, plus or minus five days, you will benefit most from the energy of this beautiful new moon. Also, if you know your chart, see if you have any planets within five degrees of 5 degrees Virgo, Cancer, Capricorn, Taurus, or Scorpio - if so, you will benefit too.
Romantically, I love August 18, when Jupiter, in your house of true love, will signal Mars in your house of partner / marriage. If your long-time partner has gotten on your nerves earlier this month (possible, around August 9 or 11), this day will be your divine make-up day, when everything will start to go magically right again. I am so happy to have this to report! It could be quite romantic!
Things will only keep getting better. From August 21 to September 15, Venus will tour fellow earth sign Virgo, a perfect sign for you to host Venus! Things will improve more August 26, when Mercury goes direct, especially if you hope to start a relationship with someone new - after that, you'd enjoy better communication and get off on the right foot. You already know I adore the new moon, August 28.
The month ends with Venus in Virgo, in perfect angle to good luck Jupiter in Taurus, August 30. Taking a vacation in late month would be a wonderful way to fan the fires of love. If you can travel, plan your adventure to a distant city, but if you cannot, at the very least on this lovely day, August 30, do something together - a great dinner, a long walk under the honeysuckle - and celebrate your love for each other.
If you have no one special, on August 30 do for yourself - a salon massage or other spa treatment. The world will look very, very bright at the end of August, dear Capricorn, and you will enjoy every minute of what's to come next month.



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