Friends Gathering / 朋友聚會
Kelvin C.INDEX
070915: Salome 新居BBQ with her cat
070901: 補祝 Cherie生日@跑馬地銖記 ...之後的甜品時段
070125 Carol's B-day with My Friends
070115 鹿鳴春 - 補祝Hei's B-day
070104 牛皇星火鍋
061230 Carman & SiuLam B-day at Gaylord
061224 X'mas at Hei's Home
061119 B-day w/ Moliu in Causeway Bay 老銅(我)生日飯
061118 B-day Dinner in Hung Hom 紅磡生日飯
060709/15 小學同學開心的gathering
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