Danny & KaKi :: 05Jul Day 13 Argentina - El Calafate
Visits: 1165 times
Last changed: Nov 29, 2012
77 items in this album
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back to the downtown!
passed thr a local bakery!! Bought many cookies & they all are sooo delicious!!!
Shopped around everywhere!
back to the downtown!
Viewed: 29 times.
passed thr a local bakery!! Bought many cookies & they all are sooo delicious!!!
Viewed: 23 times.
Shopped around everywhere!
Viewed: 27 times.
Viewed: 25 times.
Special chain on the wheels for snowy road!
We both wondered the shape of the trees!!!
Save money~ let cook in our own kitchen!
Viewed: 18 times.
Special chain on the wheels for snowy road!
Viewed: 30 times.
We both wondered the shape of the trees!!!
Viewed: 17 times.
Save money~ let cook in our own kitchen!
Viewed: 28 times.
4 cheeses Tortelloni & salad!! with the champaign gift :P
Heehee, delicious & happy night!!
Perito Moreno Glacier 1
4 cheeses Tortelloni & salad!! with the champaign gift :P
Viewed: 24 times.
Viewed: 28 times.
Heehee, delicious & happy night!!
Viewed: 29 times.
Perito Moreno Glacier 1*
Viewed: 27 times.
Perito Moreno Glacier 6
Perito Moreno Glacier 6
Viewed: 24 times.
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