Danny & KaKi :: 12-14Jul Day 20&21 Argentina - Bariloche & Buenos Aires
Visits: 1383 times
Last changed: Dec 09, 2012
115 items in this album
Goodbye Florida street
Taking metro & back to our hotel which is near to Metro station Scalabrini Ortiz
Goodbye Florida street
Viewed: 22 times.
Viewed: 21 times.
Viewed: 19 times.
Taking metro & back to our hotel which is near to Metro station Scalabrini Ortiz
Viewed: 13 times.
Pay attention to the beggar behind Kaki~ A beggar could have TV & music!!!!!!!!!! Where is the electricity from?
Booked airport taxi to airport la
BAs is really a busy city that much time is expected for going to Airport
Arrived~ The driver is very nice to take this photo for us
Pay attention to the beggar behind Kaki~ A beggar could have TV & music!!!!!!!!!! Where is the electricity from?
Viewed: 28 times.
Booked airport taxi to airport la
Viewed: 20 times.
BAs is really a busy city that much time is expected for going to Airport
Viewed: 26 times.
Arrived~ The driver is very nice to take this photo for us
Viewed: 24 times.
BAs domestic airport
Last postcard for our family & us!
Goodbye la~ Our exotic honey is over....
Why our faces like this???!!! We could say Emirates is really an excellent airline company~!! We were stuck in the immigration area~!! Non-stop running for the gate for 10 mins with the help of the staffs! otherwise could not on the flight!!
BAs domestic airport
Viewed: 19 times.
Last postcard for our family & us!
Viewed: 24 times.
Goodbye la~ Our exotic honey is over....
Viewed: 29 times.
Why our faces like this???!!! We could say Emirates is really an excellent airline company~!! We were stuck in the immigration area~!! Non-stop running for the gate for 10 mins with the help of the staffs! otherwise could not on the flight!!
Viewed: 33 times.
BAs is a flat city with no mountains/hills!!!
Dinner - from BAs to Rio
From Rio to Dubai - breakfast
BAs is a flat city with no mountains/hills!!!
Viewed: 31 times.
Viewed: 28 times.
Dinner - from BAs to Rio
Viewed: 34 times.
From Rio to Dubai - breakfast
Viewed: 22 times.
From Rio to Dubai - breakfast
From Rio to Dubai - lunch ~ Then another flight from Dubai to HK!!
From Rio to Dubai - breakfast
Viewed: 35 times.
Viewed: 56 times.
From Rio to Dubai - lunch ~ Then another flight from Dubai to HK!!
Viewed: 133 times.
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