rajkg :: lightstensil
a wandering eye ...
Last changed: Sep 24, 2010
17 items in this album
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Fill me with light;and give me choice,to keep my eyes shut.
Album: Spectrum - revolt of colors

Motley shades of warmth, life and energy.

Changed: Dec 23, 2004.
Contains: 18 items.
Album: Luminance - and shades of grey

A journey in Haikus; light and darkness.

Changed: Dec 23, 2004.
Contains: 15 items.
Leaving the storms behind ...
Mystery smiles, with an amused face,
Album: Hampi - The City of Victory

The ruined capital city of the Vijaya Nagara empire, Karnataka, India.

Changed: Dec 23, 2004.
Contains: 36 items.
Album: CrossHatches - random cloudwalks

Making sense of what the eyes saw when the brain was bored.

Changed: Dec 23, 2004.
Contains: 12 items.
The sun plays tricks, crashing through the strands of her hair ... she looks up ...
   reminding you of being born ...
Waning Valour ...
Album: Arboreal - Musing on trees

An assortment of trees caught in rather pensive moods

Changed: Dec 20, 2004.
Contains: 10 items.
Album: Belur - Hoysala Splendour

The temple towns of Belur and Halebeedu, Karnataka, India showcase the Hoysala dynasty's architecture.

Changed: Dec 20, 2004.
Contains: 19 items.

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