Sandy Byrne :: My Pullips
Visits: 667 times
Last changed: Dec 21, 2013
2 items in this album

Have always wanted to have a Pullips doll myself for so long and I still remember I'd seen a lot of them that I really wanted to get. However, I just didn't have a chance to get myself one =( All I did was looking at their new dolls from their official pics and keep saying 'Aww... That is beautiful' Anyway, I finally got myself a very first Pullips after so long =D

P.S: You guys might notice that I don't actually call a Pullips as my *Girl* since I am not actually a collector of them =P Just collect them out of the interest =P 

Here is the dolls I have got so far: 

Collice Byrne 2nd February 2006.
Roxanne Byrne 27th March 2006.
Arshe Byrne 15th August 2006.
Shion Byrne 4th September 2006.
Hiku Byrne 2nd February 2007.
Lorraine Byrne 18th December 2013.
Baron Byrne 20th August 2016.
Ida Byrne 20th August 2016.


Album: Snapshot

Changed: Feb 15, 2008.
Contains: 9 items.
Album: Outdoor

Changed: Sep 03, 2016.
Contains: 7 items.
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