sillysillyca :: 清邁曼谷歷奇旅程之飲食篇(24-30.9.2006)
Visits: 1143 times
Last changed: Feb 20, 2007
43 items in this album
complimentary appetizer
goose liver
dinner at blue elephant
fish sauce chicken wings at greyhound
complimentary appetizer
goose liver
dinner at blue elephant
fish sauce chicken wings at greyhound
iced lemon tea at greyhound (with cane sugar ice, very sweet)
pork limb with rice at Emporium Food Court
curry prawn on plane to Hong Kong
iced lemon tea at greyhound (with cane sugar ice, very sweet)
pork limb with rice at Emporium Food Court
curry prawn on plane to Hong Kong
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