sillysillyca :: Beautiful Perth (23-27.12.2005)
Visits: 1613 times
Last changed: May 02, 2007
133 items in this album
Platform at Fremantle Railway Station
A church at Fremantle
A colourful wall!
Fremantle market, but closed on Christmas
Platform at Fremantle Railway Station
A church at Fremantle
A colourful wall!
Fremantle market, but closed on Christmas
Can you see the smiles?
Boddingtons - my friend's favourite beer
Learn to play that musical instrument
Perth Railway Station
Can you see the smiles?
Boddingtons - my friend's favourite beer
Learn to play that musical instrument
Perth Railway Station
Dinner at Korean restaurant
Start the day tour to Wave Rock
A long way to Wave Rock
Dog Cemetery
Dinner at Korean restaurant
Start the day tour to Wave Rock
A long way to Wave Rock
Dog Cemetery
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4 0.00275683403015 0.0147738456726