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Sunday 22nd October 2006 10:47:58 PM

Never thought of getting a telephoto lens so soon. But one of my photo-kakis' keep asking me to go 'birding'. What birds am I to shoot without a tele-lens? Since I am on a tight budget, this lens has to cost less RM1000. The less the better! haha...

Did some quick research on the Internet, I narrowed done to 2 lenses. The "Sigma 70-300 F4-5.6 APO DG Macro" and the "Tamron 70-300 F4-5.6 LD Di Macro". Image quality wise, both lenses give acceptable results. Since I already have a Sigma lens, I decided to get the Tamron this time. And its about RM100 cheaper, too! ;p

In fact I bought this lens yesterday. Today, this afternoon to be exact, we went for our first birding trip. Will post some photos later, may be in a few days time because I do not have access to Internet for this coming few days. Stay tuned!

Monday 30th October 2006 10:49:54 AM
From: siumai
Shoot monkeys no problem. But shoot gals ar?? Not long enuf ler... hahaha...

Friday 27th October 2006 02:01:45 PM
From: chrissaro
siu mai, besides birds, what else is good to shoot ah? shooting stars?? clouds?? monkeys? ocean?? gals from afar perhaps???

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