Sweety :: EFS for FACT/RDRT/ERU 2009

1st~15th Nov 2009

Visits: 703 times
Last changed: Dec 20, 2013
8 items in this album

"Please double click the stamps below, you will find more and more pics insides"

Expanded Field School for FACT/ RDRT/ ERU refresher training mission

1st ~ 15th November 2009

Floods in Garsen, Kenya



55 delegates were deployed to real floods in Tana River Delta.

We worked in support of Kenya Red Cross providing Rapid assessment,

Water & Hygiene Promotion, Health care & Relief. 



Album: Premission

Pre-mission preparation
Are you ready?!

Changed: Nov 20, 2009.
Contains: 13 items.
Viewed: 322 times.
Album: Status quo in Garsen
Status Quo In Garsen

Changed: Dec 09, 2009.
Contains: 25 items.
Viewed: 272 times.
Album: WatSan
WatSan ERU

Changed: Dec 09, 2009.
Contains: 18 items.
Viewed: 324 times.
Album: Shelter

Relief ERU

Changed: Dec 09, 2009.
Contains: 16 items.
Viewed: 266 times.
My great artwork XD
Album: Log ERU
Logistic ERU

Changed: Dec 09, 2009.
Contains: 10 items.
Viewed: 240 times.
Album: BHC

Health ERU

Changed: Dec 15, 2009.
Contains: 5 items.
Viewed: 380 times.
Album: ERU campus
Our Daily Living
in ERU Campus

Changed: Dec 09, 2009.
Contains: 65 items.
Viewed: 724 times.
Album: Relax, relax, relax
After the mission,
Let us relax!!!

Changed: Dec 18, 2009.
Contains: 40 items.
Viewed: 367 times.
[leave message] [email album]

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