2005-09 艾雅斯巨石自駕遊+柏斯自由遊
一塊壯觀的砂岩! 一朵芬香的野花! 一次美妙的旅程!
YK & !R!S[OCEANIA 大 洋 洲]
DAY 1 & 2 (19-20/9) - A Great Journey Begins and Beyond...HKG > Sydney > Alice Spring > Kings Canyon
DAY 3 (21/9 morning) - Kings Canyon Walk Challenge
DAY 3 (21/9 afternoon) - Driving Freedom...Kings Canyon > Uluru
DAY 3 (21/9 evening) - an unforgettable evening
DAY 4 (22/9 morning) - Rock Climb...A Touch of Ayers!
DAY 4 (22/9 morning) - Mala Walk...circuit around Ayers
Day 4 (22/9 noon) - Aboriginal Cultural Story & Rock View
DAY 4 (22/9 afternoon) - Magnificent Bushwalking... Valley of the Winds, Kata Tjuta
DAY 4 (22/9 afternoon) - Olgas...500 million years Rock Domes
DAY 5 (23/9 dawn) - Uluru Sunrise... The Moods of Colour
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