Alex LeungMK :: 溫文爾雅
Visits: 1927 times
Last changed: Mar 08, 2022
9 items in this album
Dream a Little Dream
alex 2011
Album: 我的看圖添字習作 (My Homework)

Changed: Aug 24, 2023.
Contains: 16 items.
Viewed: 817 times.
Album: 我的詩情相意

Changed: Jun 24, 2022.
Contains: 84 items.
Viewed: 1762 times.
Album: 之乎者也

Changed: Jan 08, 2015.
Contains: 9 items.
Viewed: 834 times.
Album: 我的年曆

Changed: Nov 08, 2016.
Contains: 4 items.
Viewed: 508 times.
Album: 我的精選 2014年

Changed: Jun 12, 2015.
Contains: 626 items.
Viewed: 1549 times.
Album: 我的精選 2013 (My Favourite)

Changed: Jan 09, 2014.
Contains: 1299 items.
Viewed: 4509 times.
Aug 15 Floral top Five
Photos of the week Competition -(FINALIST) - 亞軍 - Flowers Theme - May 2011. Comments on internet : Jerry Gorman : I love this image! Super supportive element makes this a delight to view. Great timing... Simply Wonderful. MegaShot's comment : Cyrus Khamak 轉自 Is there anything not quite working for you in this fine photo by our friend Alex? Soft light, good exposure, pleasant colors and he also captured the flying bee, well focussed and a pair of fluttering wings with motion blur, POW?Second tie, second place by Alex Leung. It could have been #1, if Alex did not have that that bit of the branch framed in the upper right corner
梁銘強-危機四伏 2014
Album: Junction PHOTO Challenge

Changed: Mar 27, 2015.
Contains: 20 items.
Viewed: 629 times.
Album: Photos of the Week -

Changed: Sep 25, 2012.
Contains: 24 items.
Viewed: 984 times.
Album: 參展作品 - Alex Fung 攝影坊

Changed: Feb 08, 2014.
Contains: 17 items.
Viewed: 800 times.
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