BeginnerCat :: 斯洛文尼亞單車遊 Slovenia Bike Trip Aug 08
Visits: 481 times
Last changed: Dec 09, 2011
33 items in this album
Lake Bohinj - DSCF0326
Road to Lake Bohinj - DSCF0332
Soca Rivier - DSCF0428
Russian Church along Vrsic Pass - DSCF0377
Lake Bohinj - DSCF0326
Viewed: 72 times.
Road to Lake Bohinj - DSCF0332
Viewed: 50 times.
Soca Rivier - DSCF0428
Viewed: 47 times.
Russian Church along Vrsic Pass - DSCF0377
Viewed: 101 times.
Top of Vrsic Pass (1611m height) - DSCF0400
Hut on the decent of Vrsic Pass - DSCF0414
Small village along Soca Valley - DSCF0419
Wall of a hut - DSCF0421
Top of Vrsic Pass (1611m height) - DSCF0400
Viewed: 63 times.
Hut on the decent of Vrsic Pass - DSCF0414
Viewed: 59 times.
Small village along Soca Valley - DSCF0419
Viewed: 48 times.
Wall of a hut - DSCF0421
Viewed: 52 times.
Soothing light in the late afternoon - DSCF0439
Cattles DSCF0442
A modern church in Kobarid - DSCF0483
Rusting hut - DSCF0491
Soothing light in the late afternoon - DSCF0439
Viewed: 52 times.
Cattles DSCF0442
Viewed: 45 times.
A modern church in Kobarid - DSCF0483
Viewed: 58 times.
Rusting hut - DSCF0491
Viewed: 50 times.

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