LT Photography :: wildlife(野生動物)
Visits: 1797 times
Last changed: May 10, 2024
21 items in this album





_K3A4213r (1)
Whooper Swan(大天鵝),155 cm
003A2974r 2
Album: Birds of the UK(英國鳥類)

Changed: Jun 18, 2024.
Contains: 51 items.
Viewed: 184 times.
Album: Birds of Hong Kong(香港鳥類)

Changed: Mar 17, 2023.
Contains: 38 items.
Viewed: 1224 times.
Album: Birds of Sri Lanka(斯里蘭卡鳥類)

Changed: May 05, 2017.
Contains: 77 items.
Viewed: 359 times.
Album: Birds of Mongolia(蒙古國鳥類)

Changed: Aug 01, 2016.
Contains: 84 items.
Viewed: 355 times.
_K3A1082r (1)  Red-tailed Tropicbird(紅尾熱帶鳥)
_K3A0614r (1) Ring-tailed Lemur(環尾狐猴)
_K3A2053r (1) Blue-legged Chamaelon(短鼻變色龍)
_K3A0370r (1) Golden Mantella frog
Album: Birds of Madagascar and Mauritius (馬達加斯加與毛里裘斯鳥類)

Changed: Sep 09, 2014.
Contains: 58 items.
Viewed: 482 times.
Album: Madagascar Lemurs (馬達加斯加狐猴)

Changed: Sep 09, 2014.
Contains: 11 items.
Viewed: 401 times.
Album: Madagascar Geckos and Chamaeleons (馬達加斯加守宮與變色龍)

Changed: Sep 09, 2014.
Contains: 14 items.
Viewed: 374 times.
Album: Madagascar Frogs (馬達加斯加蛙類)

Changed: Sep 09, 2014.
Contains: 5 items.
Viewed: 376 times.
Black-throated Tit(紅頭山雀), 10-11 cm  AQ6I1021r
Verreaux's Eagle-Owl (Giant Eagle-Owl) UK3A3163r bw
Brahminy Starling (黑冠椋鳥) _TP_3770r (1)
Black-naped Monarch(黑枕藍鶲)_TP_2539r (1)
Album: Birds of Taiwan(臺灣鳥類)

Changed: Jan 04, 2017.
Contains: 13 items.
Viewed: 630 times.
Album: Birds of Kenya(肯亞鳥類)

Changed: Sep 06, 2012.
Contains: 110 items.
Viewed: 656 times.
Album: Birds of India(印度鳥類)

Changed: Jan 30, 2013.
Contains: 1 item.
Viewed: 488 times.
Album: Birds of Thailand(泰國鳥類)

Changed: Apr 16, 2013.
Contains: 1 item.
Viewed: 493 times.
Spotted Sawtooth(鋸粉蝶) _K3A9752r
Orange Oakleaf(枯葉蛺蝶)UK3A1488r
Album: Butterflies of Hong Kong(香港蝴蝶)

Changed: Jun 04, 2016.
Contains: 10 items.
Viewed: 492 times.
Album: Butterflies of Taiwan(臺灣蝴蝶)

Changed: Jul 23, 2012.
Contains: 7 items.
Viewed: 458 times.
Album: Dragonflies and Butterflies of Kenya

Changed: Oct 08, 2012.
Contains: 13 items.
Viewed: 367 times.
Album: Dragonflies of Hong Kong(香港蜻蜓)

Changed: Jun 01, 2012.
Contains: 5 items.
Viewed: 419 times.
Staring Cheetah UK3A6290r
UK3A5576r (1)
_DM44793r (1)
Album: Damselflies and Dragonflies of Taiwan(臺灣蜻蜓與豆娘)

Changed: Jul 18, 2012.
Contains: 9 items.
Viewed: 516 times.
Album: Mamals of Kenya(肯亞哺乳類)

Changed: Aug 27, 2012.
Contains: 2 items.
Viewed: 525 times.
Album: Brown Tree Frog (斑腿泛樹蛙)

Changed: Aug 25, 2013.
Contains: 3 items.
Viewed: 393 times.
Album: Agamidae(樹蜥科)

Changed: May 17, 2014.
Contains: 3 items.
Viewed: 348 times.
UK3A7403r (1)
Album: Cicadae(蟬科)

Changed: Apr 19, 2014.
Contains: 1 item.
Viewed: 332 times.
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26 0.0062255859375 0.0407409667969