Ernie & Hong :: God Creates...

                              and we appreciate...

Visits: 8135 times
Last changed: Sep 19, 2020
20 items in this album

O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!


The GFS helicopter lifts water from the sea again and flies across the setting sun.
El Captian (left) and Cathedral Rocks (right)
Album: Hiking

**Last update:

Changed: Mar 31, 2016.
Contains: 97 items.
Viewed: 3254 times.
Album: Hong Kong

**Last update:

Changed: Jun 26, 2016.
Contains: 62 items.
Viewed: 2426 times.
Album: U.S.A.

**Last update: Central California (2005)

Changed: Feb 08, 2019.
Contains: 47 items.
Viewed: 2834 times.
Album: Macau 澳門 2003

Changed: Jan 11, 2007.
Contains: 48 items.
Viewed: 1348 times.
Album: Taipei,Taiwan 台灣台北

Changed: Mar 09, 2007.
Contains: 6 items.
Viewed: 1180 times.
Album: 布吉Phuket, 2004

Changed: Nov 03, 2006.
Contains: 58 items.
Viewed: 1733 times.
Album: Japan

Changed: Feb 08, 2019.
Contains: 4 items.
Viewed: 448 times.
Album: China

Changed: Jan 27, 2016.
Contains: 28 items.
Viewed: 1516 times.
Album: Dogs

Changed: Dec 03, 2013.
Contains: 16 items.
Viewed: 1779 times.
Album: Cats

Changed: Jun 03, 2012.
Contains: 3 items.
Viewed: 1212 times.
Album: Birds

Changed: Jan 19, 2013.
Contains: 35 items.
Viewed: 1055 times.
Album: HK Mandarin Bible Church

Changed: Oct 25, 2017.
Contains: 56 items.
Viewed: 2072 times.
秀薇在紅磡飛機屋宿舍 May outside our home in Hung Hom
Viewed: 436 times.
Album: May Creates

Changed: Dec 16, 2013.
Contains: 10 items.
Viewed: 809 times.
Album: Father, May, Yin Shek (old pix)

Changed: Mar 14, 2009.
Contains: 5 items.
Viewed: 688 times.
Album: Ernie's teenage drawings & needle work (Ernie 小學繡花裁縫習作,中學素描)

Changed: Mar 17, 2009.
Contains: 38 items.
Viewed: 646 times.
front cover 4
Album: Tai Po Alliance Church

Changed: Jul 04, 2011.
Contains: 2 items.
Viewed: 557 times.
Album: Zoe & Joe, March 2, 2014

Changed: Mar 07, 2014.
Contains: 26 items.
Viewed: 14 times.
Album: Ernie's drawings 圖畫

Changed: Sep 06, 2015.
Contains: 2 items.
Viewed: 277 times.
Album: 2021 Watercolor Cuties Calendar 2021年貓狗水彩畫座枱月曆

製作多時的2021年座枱月曆終於出爐了,這次我用水彩來繪畫可愛的小貓和小狗,藉此與大家分享聖經福音金句, 尺寸是17 cm × 21 cm。除了中、西曆外,還有香港、内地和美國的公衆假期資訊。售價每本$70, 收入在扣除印刷費及郵費)後,一半會奉獻給時代論壇,另一半會用作支持在Gateway 事奉的宣教士。我也不會把奉獻收據用來明年報稅。有興趣購買月曆的朋友請私訊給我。我的Whatsapp 是90232723,。請注意實體月曆裏的圖片沒有印上copyright 這字。

請在我的Facebook 看更清楚和顔色更準確的照片

Changed: Oct 01, 2020.
Contains: 28 items.
Viewed: 135 times.
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