Lincoln :: 新疆 Xinjiang. Autumn2009
Visits: 583 times
Last changed: Feb 02, 2012
10 items in this album
Album: Day 1: 新疆之旅 Heading to Xin Jiang

Changed: Oct 11, 2009.
Contains: 15 items.
Viewed: 256 times.
Album: Day 2: 烏魯木齊 Urumqi, 克拉瑪依油田 Kelamayi Oil Field, 魔鬼城 Ghost City

Changed: Oct 12, 2009.
Contains: 3 items.
Viewed: 223 times.
Album: Day 3: 布爾津 Buerjin

Changed: Oct 13, 2009.
Contains: 71 items.
Viewed: 337 times.
Album: Day 4: 白哈巴 Baihaba, 喀納斯 Kanas

Changed: Oct 18, 2009.
Contains: 2 items.
Viewed: 167 times.
Album: Day 5: 喀納斯 Kanas, 契巴羅衣 Qiba Luoyi

Changed: Oct 24, 2009.
Contains: 2 items.
Viewed: 195 times.
Album: Day 6: 禾木 Hemu

Changed: Oct 25, 2009.
Contains: 66 items.
Viewed: 287 times.
Album: Day 7: 布爾津 Buerjin, 福海 Fuhai, 火燒山 Huoshaoshan, 五彩城 Wucaicheng

Changed: Oct 25, 2009.
Contains: 4 items.
Viewed: 205 times.
Album: Day 8: 五彩城 Wucaicheng, 古爾班通古特沙漠 天山天池 烏魯木齊 Urumqi

Changed: Oct 25, 2009.
Contains: 4 items.
Viewed: 137 times.
Album: Day 9: 回家了 Return to HK

Changed: Oct 26, 2009.
Contains: 6 items.
Viewed: 174 times.
Album: 新疆 - 奇異之行 Strange walk

Changed: Oct 30, 2009.
Contains: 38 items.
Viewed: 265 times.
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