TPNPioneering2011 :: 起重打樁
Last changed: Jun 28, 2011
9 items in this album
Derrick 起重機
lift and rope 繩索升降機
lift and rope 繩索升降機1
lift and rope 繩索升降機3
Derrick 起重機
lift and rope 繩索升降機
lift and rope 繩索升降機1
lift and rope 繩索升降機3
Swinging derrick 旋轉起重機1
Swinging derrick 旋轉起重機2
Swinging derrick 旋轉起重機3
Swingling derrick on a tree 起重機1
Swinging derrick 旋轉起重機1
Swinging derrick 旋轉起重機2
Swinging derrick 旋轉起重機3
Swingling derrick on a tree 起重機1
Log Winch 起貨機
Log Winch 起貨機
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