Candice Chan :: Hanoi, Vietnam Jan14
Visits: 715 times
Last changed: May 26, 2014
45 items in this album
Halong Bay, Hanoi Vietnam
Halong Bay, Hanoi Vietnam
Halong Bay, Hanoi Vietnam
Viewed: 17 times.
Halong Bay, Hanoi Vietnam
Viewed: 12 times.
Viewed: 19 times.
Viewed: 80 times.
Horrible traffic, but we can still learn how to cross the road
nice police car
local bus
Viewed: 17 times.
Horrible traffic, but we can still learn how to cross the road
Viewed: 12 times.
nice police car
Viewed: 19 times.
local bus
Viewed: 10 times.
Hanoi city
Hanoi city
Hanoi market
Hanoi market
Hanoi city
Viewed: 13 times.
Hanoi city
Viewed: 9 times.
Hanoi market
Viewed: 8 times.
Hanoi market
Viewed: 11 times.
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