Candice Chan :: Hanoi, Vietnam Jan14
Visits: 717 times
Last changed: May 26, 2014
45 items in this album
原來站在任何當權者的角度下,一個政權受到威脅的時候 那些 "異見者", 亦即是 " 罪犯" 所受的苦難絕 不會比真正的殺人犯輕
站在任何當權者的角度下,一個政權受到威脅的時候 那些 "異見者", 亦即是 " 罪犯" 所受的苦難絕 不會比真正的殺人犯輕.
原來站在任何當權者的角度下,一個政權受到威脅的時候 那些 "異見者", 亦即是 " 罪犯" 所受的苦難絕 不會比真正的殺人犯輕
Viewed: 15 times.
站在任何當權者的角度下,一個政權受到威脅的時候 那些 "異見者", 亦即是 " 罪犯" 所受的苦難絕 不會比真正的殺人犯輕.
Viewed: 7 times.
Viewed: 6 times.
Viewed: 7 times.
魯迅: 不在沉默中爆發,就在沉默中滅亡。
'We are taught that B52s are used to bomb targets of extremely large scale or military complexes of tens of square miles. Such targts do not exist in Vietnam. I undertand that B52s bombing in densly populated area is to kill more and more people to generate pressure!"
Excerpts from the statement of Bernasconi Luis Henry. — at Maison Centrale - Hao Lo Prison.
Viewed: 4 times.
魯迅: 不在沉默中爆發,就在沉默中滅亡。
Viewed: 8 times.
'We are taught that B52s are used to bomb targets of extremely large scale or military complexes of tens of square miles. Such targts do not exist in Vietnam. I undertand that B52s bombing in densly populated area is to kill more and more people to generate pressure!" Excerpts from the statement of Bernasconi Luis Henry. — at Maison Centrale - Hao Lo Prison.
Viewed: 9 times.
Viewed: 25 times.
Prison Break
Prison Break
Viewed: 69 times.
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