Candice Chan :: Travel Around the World
Visits: 2915 times
Last changed: Dec 09, 2023
46 items in this album
A Plane passed by @ Lake Wanaka
Wat Bupparam @ Change Mai
Garden by the bay @ Singapore
Halong Bay, Hanoi Vietnam
Album: New Zealand Dec15-Jan16

Changed: Feb 13, 2016.
Contains: 5 items.
Viewed: 550 times.
Album: Bangkok & Chiangmai, Thailand Oct15

Changed: Nov 23, 2015.
Contains: 38 items.
Viewed: 552 times.
Album: Singapore & Bintan Island Nov14

Changed: Jul 03, 2016.
Contains: 35 items.
Viewed: 559 times.
Album: Hanoi, Vietnam Jan14

Changed: May 26, 2014.
Contains: 45 items.
Viewed: 717 times.
Baan Faa Sai Villa, Koh Samui
第三站,何東圖書館大樓  何東圖書館大樓建於1894年(清光緒二十年
Angkor Wat, Cambodia
Album: Seoul, Korea Apr13

Changed: May 22, 2014.
Contains: 21 items.
Viewed: 477 times.
Album: Koh Samui, Thailand Feb13

Changed: Mar 09, 2013.
Contains: 18 items.
Viewed: 377 times.
Album: Macau Jul12

Changed: Jul 20, 2012.
Contains: 29 items.
Viewed: 588 times.
Album: Siem Reap, Cambodia Mar12

Changed: Dec 14, 2012.
Contains: 77 items.
Viewed: 1041 times.
Kenting Sunrise 0604
Seoul Int'I Aerospace & Defense Exhibition
三鷹の森 ジブリ美術館
Album: sun moon lake, Alishan and Kenting, Taiwan Dec11

Changed: Jul 21, 2012.
Contains: 46 items.
Viewed: 674 times.
Album: Seoul, Korea. Oct11

Changed: Aug 12, 2012.
Contains: 51 items.
Viewed: 1362 times.
Album: Tokyo, Japan 2011
增上寺, 淺草,雷門,仲見世通, 深大寺,三鷹の森 ジブリ美術館, Tokyo Disneyland, 大觀山,箱根神社, 大涌谷

Changed: Jul 24, 2011.
Contains: 59 items.
Viewed: 1228 times.
Album: Kenting, Taiwan Nov2010

Changed: Feb 04, 2011.
Contains: 33 items.
Viewed: 636 times.
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