Candice Chan :: III) 輕鬆外游篇 (悲哀落水篇)
Visits: 929 times
Last changed: Mar 05, 2017
62 items in this album

3) 輕鬆外游篇 (悲哀落水篇)

做乘客的感覺也好, 什麼也不用想, 只要用心留意窗外的美境.

多謝朋友的男友帶我外出之餘, 更充當攝影導游介紹那個位最有利影相

我無法形容失去我的至愛 (5D Mark II + 16-35mm f/2.8 )那種心情, 六年來我們踏足多小地方, 為何你這麼忍心離我而去,另一個是只陪伴我三個月的 iphone 6S, 因為我們感情不太深, (用價錢衡量), 從第一時間上岸後檢查相機而原全忘了 iPhone, 可見它真的不在我心裡, 但可惜它一聲不說便走了 , 連帶我在旅程中的記憶也一起帶走, 最重要那些當然還在腦海但沒有帶相機的日子, 很多時也用 iPhone 影的 U_U, 食物, 紅酒, holiday park, NZ 的 Note, Whatapps history 好多好多的回憶 etc..........敬請各位如視你的手機像相機一樣, 請定時 Back up.

幸運的是我的 CF card 靈魂沒有捨棄我, 也由於在農場的日子空擋比較多, 很勤力的 upload 在 External HD. 所有 5D 的相得以保住.

值得一提, 今次我買的是 Blue Cross Travel insurance, 每個 item 的上限保 HKD$3000, 而它竟然大膽地 list 在 term and condition:
Referring to General Condition 7 - Pair and Set of the policy terms and conditions, camera body, lenses, storage devices and accessories will be treated as a set!!

特別鳴謝驄明的朋友在我全身濕透時, 即時借出衣服給我預寒,深夜回到家中讓我這隻落湯雞洗澡和默默給我善後. 其後的旅程人家的男友更借出 Nikon 給我,不能言喻這人間溫暖。


Monarch, Otago Peninsula Dunedin



Taiaroa Head
Northern Royal Albatross
IBuller's Albatross
Monarch, Otago Peninsula Dunedin
Taiaroa Head
Viewed: 167 times.
Northern Royal Albatross
Viewed: 104 times.
IBuller's Albatross
Viewed: 94 times.
Monarch, Otago Peninsula Dunedin
Viewed: 83 times.
New Zealand Fur Seal
Buller's Albatross
Monarch, Otago Peninsula Dunedin
New Zealand Fur Seal
Viewed: 74 times.
Viewed: 115 times.
Buller's Albatross
Viewed: 92 times.
Monarch, Otago Peninsula Dunedin
Viewed: 69 times.
Dunedin Railway Station
Dunedin Railway Station
Dunedin Railway Station
Dunedin Railway Station
Dunedin Railway Station
Viewed: 73 times.
Dunedin Railway Station
Viewed: 65 times.
Dunedin Railway Station
Viewed: 93 times.
Dunedin Railway Station
Viewed: 83 times.
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