Billy Ting :: 靜物與特寫攝影 Still Life and Close-up(Marco) Photography
Still life photography is the practice or products of depicting inanimate subject matter, typically commonplace objects which may be either natural or man-made. Still life is the photography of small groups of objects, either found or put together for the purpose. Still life photography gives the photographer more leeway in the arrangement of design elements within a composition than do photographs of other types of subjects such as landscape or portraiture.

Still life photography represents one of the most demanding aspects of photography. In this area the photographer is expected to have a highly refined sense of lighting coupled with superb compositional skills because the photographer is making pictures rather than taking them. Knowing where to look for propping and surfaces is also a valuable trait.

In addition to knowing the fundamentals of photography, successfull still life photographers are intimately familiar with the tools of this field: tremendous studio lighting skills, ability to use large format view cameras, a strong visual technique, and distinctive stylistic approach.

Visits: 1484 times
Last changed: Aug 28, 2012
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