Day 6 Lofoten

As promised, we were taken on a fishing trip today, and what a luck, we managed to fish 2 big cod fish by our own!! This was our first fishing trip, and the catch is marvelous in our standard already. Of course, we have to thank our friend's guidance, as well as their GPS system.
Even though the Norwegian way of cooking has no match to our cantonese way of steam fish, we still found the boiled fillet delicious.
Dr. SoNorway 挪威之旅 May 2007
The view taken when we are in the middle of the sea.
the water glitters
I bet he must be very proud of his catch...afterall it is only his first time fishing.
the fish coming out from the water
Hahahahaha...this is it. Dr. So's first catch!!! We are sooooooo excited about the result! is just so one more shot.
This is Fred. He is a professional!
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