「人生有成功的公式嗎?」 「有,有,這就X+Y+Z。」 「這是甚麼意思?」 「X代表成功,Y代表代表休息,Z就是少說廢話!」
Royal Plaza Hotel Grand Ballroom on 21 April 2023
The Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors and the Lighthouse Club Hong Kong Branch.
Royal Plaza Hotel Grand Ballroom on 26 April 2019
22nd March 2019 (Friday) at Room 1030, Hong Kong Scout Centre, Scout Path, Austin Road, Kowloon
18 June 2018 端午節屯門龍舟競渡
Royal Plaza Hotel Grand Ballroom on 13 April 2018
香港振華35週年慶典暨2018新春晚會 2018-1-12
Royal Plaza Hotel Grand Ballroom on 7 April 2017