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Walks for Millions - New Territories Walk @ 2008-02-24
「新界區百萬行 – 八號幹線」於2008年2月24日舉行。起點由沙田嶺隧道引道出發,途經尖山隧道及蝴蝶谷,至荔枝角高架路(近海麗鸷)為終點。參加者可於這項基建正式通車前,親身踏足行車隧道及高架橋上,體驗另一番感受。
"New Territories Walk – Route 8" is scheduled for Sunday, 24 February 2008. The route starts from Sha Tin Heights Tunnel Approach Road via Eagle's Nest Tunnel and Butterfly Valley, and ends at Lai Chi Kok Viaduct (near Hoi Lai Estate). Participants can have a unique chance to set foot on this new infrastructure to walk through the tunnels and viaduct before its official opening.
Visits: 439 times
Last changed: Feb 25, 2008
15 items in this album