golfer :: Hebe Chan
Hebe Chan
Hebe's large eyes are captivating!

Newsflash: Hebe is prettier now than she was a year ago. Cross my fingers and hope to die, if I lie
Visits: 16104 times
Last changed: Jul 11, 2009
2 items in this album
Hebe Chan

Only you, you're the only thing I'll see forever
In my eyes, in my words and in everything I do
Nothing else but you ever

And there's nothing for me but Maria
Every sight that I see is Maria
Tony, Tony

Always you, every thought I'll ever know
Everywhere I go you'll be
All the world is only you and me

Tonight, tonight
It all began tonight, I saw you
And the world went away

Tonight, tonight
There's only you tonight
What you are, what you do, what you say

Today all day I had the feeling
A miracle would happen
I know now I was right

For here you are
And what was just a world
Is a star, tonight

Tonight, tonight
The world is full of light with suns and moons
All over the place

Tonight, tonight
The world is wild and bright, going mad
Shooting sparks into space

Today the world was just an address
A place for me to live in
No better than all right

But here you are
And what was just a world
Is a star, tonight

I can't stay, go quickly
I'm not afraid
They are strict with me, please
I love you

Good night, good night
Sleep well and when you dream
Dream of me

Good bye

Hebe Chan VC _00145s
Hebe VC 0018 sign_resize
Album: Hebe Chan 2009.07.10
Viva Studio

Changed: Jul 11, 2009.
Contains: 2 items.
Viewed: 6985 times.
Album: Hebe Chan 2008.09.03
Viva Studio

Changed: Aug 21, 2009.
Contains: 37 items.
Viewed: 7341 times.
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