Joseph Chong :: monthly gathering 24 Feb 2006
Last changed: Feb 25, 2006
12 items in this album
David, Lisa and Ronnie
Alex and Dennis
Alex, Desmond and Dennis
Dennis, Michael and Sherman
David, Lisa and Ronnie
Alex and Dennis
Alex, Desmond and Dennis
Dennis, Michael and Sherman
Chatting among all the guys
Monica, Rene, Lisa and Crystal joined us
Berry, Crystal and Michael
2 chatting groups
Chatting among all the guys
Monica, Rene, Lisa and Crystal joined us
Berry, Crystal and Michael
2 chatting groups
Alex, Judy and David
Chatting group photo
Chatting group photo 2
Juliette location
Alex, Judy and David
Chatting group photo
Chatting group photo 2
Juliette location
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