There are so many beautiful things in the Nature!Just want to share all the great things and scenes with you!Hope you enjoy it!人雖然係萬物之靈,其實也只是大自然的一小份子。我們生活在世界的同時,也應該學會尊重及欣賞身邊的每樣事物﹝包括人與一切生物及死物﹞!在假期時,我們步入郊野「作客」、舒展的同時,也應該好好愛惜身邊的一草一木及各種動物,否則,將來我們可能再也見不到這些看似平常的事物了。生態旅遊守則:「除卻腳印,啥都不留;除卻回憶,啥都不取;保持安靜,尊重自然!」All photos and text contained in this site are Copyright © Sze Wong.All rights reserved.My Little Blog: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/hokszewong/
I hope I can fly!
Our Lovely Hong Kong!
Please just look and don't pick them from the wild! 以植物所屬科目名稱的首字筆劃分類!如有錯漏,請多多指教!謝謝!資料參考:香港中草藥(Vol. 1-8)(商務印書館)
All of them are lovely!
So Colourful!
I love Travel! I want to travel around the World!