face :: Day 06(Nyaung Shwe娘水,Taunggyi東枝,Kakku卡古)
Visits: 751 times
Last changed: Oct 25, 2013
6 items in this album
Album: 01. 早餐及由inle lake去Taunggyi(東枝)

Changed: Nov 06, 2013.
Contains: 17 items.
Viewed: 472 times.
Album: 02. Taunggyi(東枝) Local market

Changed: Nov 06, 2013.
Contains: 48 items.
Viewed: 580 times.
Album: 03. Kakku Pagodas(卡古佛塔塔林)

Changed: Oct 25, 2013.
Contains: 2 items.
Viewed: 420 times.
Album: 04. Visit for Pao Village & Back to Taunggyi

Changed: Oct 25, 2013.
Contains: 40 items.
Viewed: 439 times.
CSC_9084 Dinner@min min's
Album: 05. Shwe Yaung Hwe Kyaung Monastery(瑞揚比亞寺)

Changed: Oct 25, 2013.
Contains: 20 items.
Viewed: 356 times.
Album: 06. Lunch@Kakku, Dinner@min min's, Hotel(Mingalar Inn) & Night of Nyaung Shwe

Changed: Oct 25, 2013.
Contains: 14 items.
Viewed: 416 times.
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