2004-07 Victoria Weekend 域多利週末
Victoria is one of the best place to spend a weedend for British Columbians. 域多利是卑詩省人度週末之好去處。
Kenneth LeeBeautiful people, Beautiful Sceneries 美麗的人物,美麗的風景
Waiting for ferry at the pier AIMG_0161
Lisa and Tina AIMG_0171
With the young Kids Lewina, Alan and ? ( Oh! I forgot her name ) AIMG_0173
Sally, Tina and Lewina AIMG_0176
Bernadette at the bay AIMG_0179
Lewina, same spot, the Empress Hotel at the back AIMG_0180
The bay AIMG_0181
Beautiful mermaid AIMG_0184
The legendary Empress Hotel AIMG_0185
Tired !!! AIMG_0186
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