2004-07 Victoria Weekend 域多利週末
Victoria is one of the best place to spend a weedend for British Columbians. 域多利是卑詩省人度週末之好去處。
Kenneth LeeBeautiful people, Beautiful Sceneries 美麗的人物,美麗的風景
At the Museum AIMG_0187
K Kung AIMG_0188
Bernadette, Museum having the "Eternal Egypt" AIMG_0189
Outside the Museum AIMG_0191
Govenment building behind the Parliament Building AIMG_0192
Another building AIMG_0196
At the beach AIMG_0199
China Town AIMG_0395
The restaurant where we have Dim Sum in China Town AIMG_0397
In front of the folding bridge AIMG_0398
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