:: CV Primary Essence Bulgarian Rose Essential Oil
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Last changed: Feb 01, 2022
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Bulgarian Rose absolute 5ML

保加利亞玫瑰原精 5ML 


**全線CV產品9折, 2件8折  TEL/Whatsapp: 9838 1603


它的神秘源於它的稀缺性:要獲得一公斤這種強大的靈丹妙藥,需要 5000 公斤新鮮的花瓣,這些花瓣
是使用傳統的 enfleurage 技術收集的。這種方法包括對花瓣進行溫和浸漬,從而巧妙地保存其精緻的
精華,確保純度和非常有效的活性成分。通過 enfleurage,我們可以為您提供所有保加利亞玫瑰中最
純淨的精華,即 Absolute。一滴這種靈丹妙藥包含了黎明時分手工採摘的 30 種不同玫瑰的核心和靈
此。 .您會在幾天內看到結果。它為皮膚提供絲般柔軟,是一種非常強大的抗皺劑。
Bulgarian Rose absolute is the  crown jewel of essential oils. Obtained from the most sublime, pure, and powerful rose: The Centifolia Rose of Bulgaria.
Its mysticism is born from its scarcity: to obtain a kilo of this powerful elixir it takes 5000 kilos of fresh petals, collected using the traditional technique of enfleurage. This method consists of subjecting the flower petals to a gentle maceration that expertly preserve its exquisite essence, ensuring purity and very potent active ingredients. With enfleurage we can offer you the purest essence of all Bulgarian Roses, the Absolute. A single drop of this elixir contains the heart and soul of 30 different roses hand-picked at dawn.
Upon contact with your skin it begins to exert its balancing and regenerating effects, even on highly sensitive or eczema and acne-prone skin. . You’ll notice results in just a few days. It provides a silky softness to the skin, and is a very powerful anti-wrinkle agent.
Its therapeutic properties are endless. As it caresses the skin on the first application, its sublime aroma gives you a feeling of joy and well-being, as it’s reinvigorating and aphrodisiac properties help you come alive. Bulgarian Rose is like a friend’s embrace: its aroma envelops you to comfort and revive you. It also aids with menstrual and uterine problems.


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    Tel, Signal, Whatsapp: 98381603 
    Email: info@egardenhk.com
   E Garden Web: https://www.egardenhk.com
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cv rose abs
cv rose abs
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