Jokess & Fun & lovely babies

During our life, there's sadness & happiness.... but depends on what do you desire . you know what GNH is? You may learn GNP or GDP in economics courses. GNH is just another way to measure a society. GNH stands for Gross National Happiness. A nation uses this standard to decide if the government should do which things and to devise public policies. This measures how much happiness the nation is, not the how much money the nation earn as it is measured by Gross National Production or Gross Domestic Production. I think this government is very clever. I heard this term from a TV travel log programme by the officials of the nation several months ago and I forgot which nation it actually is but I know that this nation is somewhere in Africa or Europe.  

I hope that in your mind, the nation of yourself, you will do the same thing like what the officials do. Measure yourself in terms of how much happiness you have; and gain as much Happiness as you can throughout your life.

愁和哀 風與霜 不會天天都探訪...
"yesterday is a history,
tomorrow is a mystery,
today is a gift -- that's why it is called the present"
i WISH all of u the best best best...yeah...! i wish through my page, you can find something relaxing !
DON'T forget to do something everyday that make you LAUGH out loud
Funny BAby..funny child
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