02 Jul 2006, Tiu Chung Chau of Sai Kung East (吊鐘洲-吊鐘岩/金魚擺尾)

Check out also,
Victor's Album
June's Album
Monster Chen's 金魚擺尾再戰龍眠洞 (29-6-2003)
Larry SuenLeisure Hiking 自遊遊
IMG_4625...The weather was rather unstable in the beginning
IMG_4629...Dark clouds shrouding over Victoria Harbor
IMG_4630...Isolated showers
IMG_4633...That's 嘉亨灣 (Grand Promenade)
IMG_4815...(東龍洲) Tung Lung Chau and the Rock Carving
IMG_4636...Rock Carving behind a shower screen?
IMG_4637...Someone camped on the rocky shore.
IMG_4638...That's me!
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