15 Oct 2006, Challenge 12 Hrs 苗圃行動挑戰12小時 2006

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Larry SuenHiking and Running Races 競賽盛事
IMG_7456A...Accusation from a underdog written all over this elderly in the very grassroot 黃大仙..."我雖是香港永久居民, 但香港政府早已取消我的公共援助金. 我已無法在香港生存. 希望各位善長人翁能憐憫幫忙..."
IMG_7457A...Sower's Action is a charity with a worthy cause. Here I was joining the walk midway in 井欄樹. Unfortunately, I was too late to join Amy and Karl who left here about 30 minutes before.
IMG_7458A...The trail leading to the village near 大藍湖
IMG_7459A...A crew of St.John Ambulancemen giving first aid to this female walker who probably had a badly sprained ankle...."Don't worry, you can always give it a try next year!!" (設計對白)
IMG_7460A...The green moss on the rocks could be very slippery, although nice to look at.
IMG_7463A...Trying to catch up, I jogged quite a bit on the trail leading up to the much dreaded 東洋山.
IMG_7464A...Here's the start of the steep climb to 東洋山. W037 marked the start of this steep climb.
IMG_7465A...It'd been 15 mins before the more stuffy part was over.
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