lclun :: My Foot-prints 2001
Visits: 946 times
Last changed: Oct 01, 2010
32 items in this album
釣魚翁, 344m, 14/1/2001
"See you tomorrow 明天再見", 大廟坳
釣魚翁, 344m, 14/1/2001
"See you tomorrow 明天再見", 大廟坳
"Challenge again 再戰", 大刀屻
On the Knife
大刀屻, 566m, 11/2/2001
大枕蓋 408m, 11/3/2001. Too misty to take a photo on the peak.
"Challenge again 再戰", 大刀屻
On the Knife
大刀屻, 566m, 11/2/2001
大枕蓋 408m, 11/3/2001. Too misty to take a photo on the peak.
The one on the left (Alan Yu) finished around 10 m ahead of me (30th). We staged a beautiful battled for the last 10 mins.
14/4/2001, 南山至昂坪  It was a 11km trip with 1370m up & 1030m down!  二東山, 748m
大東山, 869m
鳳凰山, 934m
Album: Green Power Hike 2001

Changed: Oct 01, 2010.
Contains: 13 items.
14/4/2001, 南山至昂坪 It was a 11km trip with 1370m up & 1030m down! 二東山, 748m
大東山, 869m
鳳凰山, 934m
Looking back to 大東山, it's a see of cloud!
元荃古道, 22/4/2001
South Tsing Yi, another look of the bridges, 6/5/2001
Looking back to 大東山, it's a see of cloud!
元荃古道, 22/4/2001
South Tsing Yi, another look of the bridges, 6/5/2001
26 第三枝香
29 第三枝香 334m
32 回望第一枝香
26 第三枝香
29 第三枝香 334m
32 回望第一枝香
36 第一枝香
青衣北, 16/6/2001   218m of Tsing Yi
Panorama from 218m of it
Another panorama from another pavilion
36 第一枝香
青衣北, 16/6/2001 218m of Tsing Yi
Panorama from 218m of it
Another panorama from another pavilion
Lantau Trail Stage 4-6, 17/6/2001   Kwun Yam Shan 觀音山, 434m
Keung Shan 羌山, 459m
Ling Wui Shan 靈會山, 490m
Lantau Trail Stage 4-6, 17/6/2001 Kwun Yam Shan 觀音山, 434m
Keung Shan 羌山, 459m
Ling Wui Shan 靈會山, 490m
MacLehose Trail Stage 4-8, 6-7/10/2001  小吉 got his Flexiflask ruptured, and temporarily use a water bottle,  together with the original drinking tube.
28/10/2001  Simon and his friend joined Challenge 12 Hour (half distance).  We joined him as a part of our training.  I got a cold that day, and I finished last in 3hr44min.  If we four joined as a team, the time was enough to put us on 2nd place!  If Ada joined individually, she would be 5th placed in Women's. So we borrow the cup from the 2nd placed team to take this photo.
雙鹿石澗 (夾萬坑) Kap Man Hang, 17/11/2001
MacLehose Trail Stage 4-8, 6-7/10/2001 小吉 got his Flexiflask ruptured, and temporarily use a water bottle, together with the original drinking tube.
28/10/2001 Simon and his friend joined Challenge 12 Hour (half distance). We joined him as a part of our training. I got a cold that day, and I finished last in 3hr44min. If we four joined as a team, the time was enough to put us on 2nd place! If Ada joined individually, she would be 5th placed in Women's. So we borrow the cup from the 2nd placed team to take this photo.
Album: Trailwalker 2001

Changed: Oct 01, 2010.
Contains: 32 items.
雙鹿石澗 (夾萬坑) Kap Man Hang, 17/11/2001
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