Medalene :: 25dec10ShaTauKok

Fung Hang && Kuk Po visit @ Sha Tau Kok, NT立花さんは沙頭角へ行って、湿地帯を観ました

Visits: 652 times
Last Change: Jan 03, 2011
187 items in this album
Captain Veggie's Adventures

Viewed:2 times
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Went to Shatin from Fanling. Tea-break @ IKEA cafe, with cheese stick fries, salad and choco mousse
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Additional piece of veggie's pizza, with olives
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Pai Tau Village, Shatin
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Pai Tau Village, Shatin
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An unhappy dog @ Pai Tau Village, Shatin~ it looked so unhappy
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Pai Tau Village, Shatin Snoopy is still naked... are you freezing now?
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Dinner @ Freshness Burger~ Veggie Mushroom burger with salad and orange soda
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Dinner @ Freshness Burger~ Veggie Mushroom burger
Viewed:6 times
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