Beijing 25-30May07
A Pause for Fun
Temple of Heaven
Gate of Prayer for Good Harvests 祈年門
The Imperial Vault of Heaven 皇穹宇
Alter of The Imperial Vault of Heaven 皇穹宇的根基
Round Altar-White marble tarrace arrayed in 3 tiers symbolizes heaven, earth and man 圜丘壇-3層大環代表天,地和人
Heavenly Center Stone on the surface of the uppermost terrace of the Circular Mound 圜丘壇最頂的天心石
A city gate in the South of Tian'anmen Square. 在天安門廣場南面的正陽門
Statue at Mao Zedong Mausoleum 毛主席紀念堂門前的石雕
Mao Zedong Mausoleum in the South of Tian'anmen Square 在天安門南面的毛主席紀念堂
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