Matthew :: Just as I am - Ira D. Sankey
Visits: 269 times
Last changed: May 27, 2009
15 items in this album
01 We're marching to Zion
02 Count your blessings
03 Trust and obey
04 My Jesus, I Love Thee
01 We're marching to Zion
02 Count your blessings
03 Trust and obey
04 My Jesus, I Love Thee
05 Shall we gather at the river
06 O Happy day!
07 Stand up for Jesus!
08 Just as I am
05 Shall we gather at the river
06 O Happy day!
07 Stand up for Jesus!
08 Just as I am
09 What a friend we have in Jesus!
10 Have you been to Jesus
11 Rock of Ages!
12 It is well
09 What a friend we have in Jesus!
10 Have you been to Jesus
11 Rock of Ages!
12 It is well
13 I will sing the wondrous story
14 When the roll is called up yonder
13 I will sing the wondrous story
14 When the roll is called up yonder
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