Matthew :: Ye Servants of God - Charles Wesley
Visits: 259 times
Last changed: May 27, 2009
15 items in this album
01 Christ the Lord is risen today
02 Thou God of truth and love
03 O Love divine, how sweet Thou art!
04 Lord, we believe to us and ours
01 Christ the Lord is risen today
02 Thou God of truth and love
03 O Love divine, how sweet Thou art!
04 Lord, we believe to us and ours
05 Jesus! the Name high over all
06 What shall I do my God to love
07 Hail the day that sees Him rise
08 Ye Servants of God
05 Jesus! the Name high over all
06 What shall I do my God to love
07 Hail the day that sees Him rise
08 Ye Servants of God
09 Away with our fears
10 O Thou who camest from above
11 O for a heart to praise my God
12 Jesu, Lover of my soul
09 Away with our fears
10 O Thou who camest from above
11 O for a heart to praise my God
12 Jesu, Lover of my soul
13 Christ, whose glory fills the skies
14 Soldiers of Christ arise
13 Christ, whose glory fills the skies
14 Soldiers of Christ arise
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