Matthew :: 風景篇
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Visits: 546 times
Last changed: Jun 30, 2006
49 items in this album
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The Colossi of Memnon (孟農神像)
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Temple of Queen Hatshepsutel (哈克米爾女皇大殿)
DSC_8063JPEG of
The Colossi of Memnon (孟農神像)
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Temple of Queen Hatshepsutel (哈克米爾女皇大殿)
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Karnak Temple (喀納克神廟)
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Karnak Temple (喀納克神廟)
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Luxor Temple (樂蜀神廟)
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Luxor Temple (樂蜀神廟)
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High Dam (大水壩)
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High Dam (大水壩)
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Soberk Temple (鱷魚神索貝克神廟)
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Soberk Temple (鱷魚神索貝克神廟)
阿布辛布神殿 (Abu Simbel)
阿布辛布神殿 (Abu Simbel)
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