Matthew :: ::: RF 鏡 Rangefinder Lens :::
Visits: 583 times
Last changed: Mar 11, 2008
8 items in this album
Leica Summicron-M 35/2 ASPH
Leica Summicron 50/2 Rigid 一代......生於1962年......
Leitz Elmar 50/3.5 Red Scale (Serial No. 1340636)......生於1956年......
Voigtlander 15/4.5 Aspherical Super-Wide Heliar
Leica Summicron-M 35/2 ASPH
Leica Summicron 50/2 Rigid 一代......生於1962年......
Leitz Elmar 50/3.5 Red Scale (Serial No. 1340636)......生於1956年......
Voigtlander 15/4.5 Aspherical Super-Wide Heliar
Voigtlander 90/3.5 APO Lanthar
Contax G28, G45 & G90......利, 通透, 平......
Industrar 55/2
Hasselblad Xpan 45/4 and 90/4
Voigtlander 90/3.5 APO Lanthar
Contax G28, G45 & G90......利, 通透, 平......
Industrar 55/2
Hasselblad Xpan 45/4 and 90/4
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