Matthew :: ::: pLaYgRouP 集•中•營:::

Baby Panda Multi-Sensory Playgroup, The Little Gym, Music Class etc .....
Visits: 915 times
Last changed: Nov 03, 2011
9 items in this album
Background Music: The Wheels on the Bus (from the Bunny Collection CD in Music Class Playgroup)
Album: ::: Rainbow Playgroup 兩歲班 :::

Changed: Nov 03, 2011.
Contains: 8 items.
Album: ::: English SmartKids Playgroup :::

Start from 04 Jun, 2011

Changed: Jun 11, 2011.
Contains: 7 items.
Album: ::: The Muisc Class :::

今季主力訓練對音樂節拍, 樂感及認知樂器各種音色.....starting from 08-01-2011

Changed: Mar 26, 2011.
Contains: 4 items.
Album: ::: Native English Playgroup :::

Methodist Church + Canaan creative of listening and speaking abilities by means of story-telling, singing, craft-making, games, etc......

Changed: Mar 29, 2011.
Contains: 3 items.
Album: ::: Rainbow Playgroup :::

宣道會北角堂(NPAC)家庭服務中心Rainbow Playgroup.....starting from 10-01-2011 

Changed: Mar 30, 2011.
Contains: 3 items.
Album: ::: 寶寶感觀學習班 :::

A new playgroup today......starting from 06-Nov-2010......Train up the vision, listening ability and feeling by means of games, drawing, etc

Changed: Nov 27, 2010.
Contains: 3 items.
Album: ::: The Little Gym :::

Happy every Tuesday......

Changed: Oct 19, 2010.
Contains: 2 items.
Album: ::: Baby Panda Multi-Sensory Playgroup :::

Happy every Saturday......

Changed: Oct 19, 2010.
Contains: 4 items.
Album: ::: 去玩Playgroup去做Gym :::

Video Clips .....

Changed: Oct 16, 2010.
Contains: 5 items.
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