rajkg :: lightstensil
a wandering eye ...
Last changed: Sep 24, 2010
17 items in this album
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I think there must be something wrongwith me, or wrong with strength, that I wouldbreak my happiness apartsimply for the pleasure of the sound.The sound the pieces make.
Tranquilizer ...
Album: Sweet Ruin - of words that have died upon me

"And so you know your destination?" he asked. "Yes," I answered, "didn't I say so? Away-From-Here, that is my destination."

Courtesy: poetry by Tony Hoagland

Changed: Apr 20, 2008.
Contains: 18 items.
Album: Ascent - Meeting Place of Man and Mountain Gods

My lungs are aching, my heart is pounding, but my feet are strong and my eyes are filled with blinding light.

Changed: Jan 03, 2007.
Contains: 42 items.
Contiki dock ...
That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself
That's the destiny, the only chance
Take it, take it in your hands
Album: Palette - Painting with light

Candy dreams of a crush on sun rays.

Changed: Jan 03, 2007.
Contains: 18 items.
Album: Angels, Daemons - and the Garden of Eden

Amidst the haze and the reigning anarchy, two splendid glistening drops of saline fall away from your eyes, in to the deep oblivion below, slowly

Courtesy: Obliged for some of the word seeds to Enigma

Changed: Feb 09, 2005.
Contains: 18 items.
your lips shine like ripe red berries,
dripping with dew and trembling like leaves;
Turning me into one queer shade of purple,
soft fuzzy eyes in dim golden light.
Ninte hrudayathil njanentehrudayam koruthirikkunnu,--In you, you still have me,deep, hooked on your heart.--
Album: Amor - Colors and flowers of love ... and all.

reflections seen on the bubbles floating in dreams.

Changed: Mar 16, 2005.
Contains: 18 items.
Album: Asylum - the way you feel

and how it bonds, ties and refuses to be splintered away...

Poem courtesy: P. Madhusoodanan Nair in Daivathinte Vikruthikal

Changed: Dec 23, 2005.
Contains: 18 items.

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