SJI :: Sean Johnson Image
Photograher from Hong Kong serving clients in HK, Macau and South China.
Last changed: Jun 29, 2010
10 items in this album
Album: AE GM Interview

Changed: Oct 19, 2009.
Contains: 7 items.
Album: Sylvia TING

Changed: Oct 20, 2009.
Contains: 22 items.
Album: Pet on-site shooting service for clients in Hong Kong and Macau.

Changed: Nov 19, 2009.
Contains: 20 items.
Album: Carmen_Rita
Hong Kong Park November 29, 2009

Changed: Nov 30, 2009.
Contains: 43 items.
複製 -PICT0096
Album: Chingmy

Changed: Dec 21, 2009.
Contains: 23 items.
Album: Sophy

Changed: Dec 23, 2009.
Contains: 40 items.
Album: Chole

Changed: Dec 23, 2009.
Contains: 29 items.
Album: Sharon

Changed: Dec 24, 2009.
Contains: 48 items.
Album: Sean taken by Maggie

Changed: Dec 25, 2009.
Contains: 4 items.
Album: Sandy ZHANG

Changed: Jun 29, 2010.
Contains: 23 items.
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